About the project

The project “Active protection of endangered habitats and species in environmentally valuable areas of Eastern Masuria” is implemented thanks to co-financing obtained from the funds of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 (EEA FM) – the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” program, the operator of which is Minister of Climate and Environment, and the state budget.

The planned total cost of the project is PLN 2,036,983.00, including a subsidy – PLN 1,731,435.55 (PLN 1,471,720.21 – EEA FM, PLN 259,715.34 – state budget).

The aim of the project is to effectively protect valuable and endangered groups of animals and habitats in the area of ​​Eastern Masuria and to increase the ecological awareness of the society.

The project is implemented in the period from June 2021 to April 2024.

The project implementers are the Romincka Forest Fund, as the lead beneficiary, and the co-beneficiaries – the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and the Romincka Forest Landscape Park (a unit of self-government of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship).

Planned activities:

  1. Organization of the conference inaugurating the project.
  2. Protection of the dystrophic water reservoir in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  3. Restoration of 20 water reservoirs for amphibians with an average area of ​​approx. 400 m2in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  4. Creation of a water reservoir in the Protected Landscape Area of Great Masurian Lakes and the Northern Wildlife Corridor.
  5. Construction of 3 artificial hibernacula for amphibians in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park and the Protected Landscape Area of the Masurian Lakes and their monitoring.
  6. Improvement of bat hibernation conditions in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park and Kumiecie Forest (Northern Wildlife Corridor) – renovation of 5 anti-aircraft bunkers and 31 cellars.
  7. Improving the living conditions of bats in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park by suspending 85 boxes.
  8. Organization of a study trip to Norway.
  9. Organization of chiropterological workshops for employees of landscape parks.
  10. Organization of chiropterological workshops for foresters.
  11. Organization of herpetology workshops for employees of landscape parks.
  12. Implementation of an educational exhibition devoted to bats at the headquarters of the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  13. Recording of an educational film about amphibians.
  14. Issuance of an educational brochure on amphibians.
  15. Issuance of an educational brochure on bats.
  16. Organization of the conference summarizing the project.
  17. Establishment and maintenance of the project website.
  18. Issuance of an information brochure about the project in two language versions – Polish and English.
  19. Preparation of promotional materials.
  20. Purchase of IT and photographic equipment for the project.


Lead beneficiary

Romincka Forest Fund

The co-beneficiary

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Romincka Forest Landscape Park


The project “Active protection of endangered habitats and species in environmentally valuable areas of Eastern Masuria” is implemented thanks to co-financing obtained from the funds of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 (EEA FM) – the “Environment, Energy and Climate Change” program, the operator of which is Minister of Climate and Environment, and the state budget.

The planned total cost of the project is PLN 2,036,983.00, including a subsidy – PLN 1,731,435.55 (PLN 1,471,720.21 – EEA FM, PLN 259,715.34 – state budget).

The aim of the project is to effectively protect valuable and endangered groups of animals and habitats in the area of ​​Eastern Masuria and to increase the ecological awareness of the society.

The project is implemented in the period from June 2021 to April 2024.

The project implementers are the Romincka Forest Fund, as the lead beneficiary, and the co-beneficiaries – the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and the Romincka Forest Landscape Park (a unit of self-government of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship).

Planned activities:

  1. Organization of the conference inaugurating the project.
  2. Protection of the dystrophic water reservoir in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  3. Restoration of 20 water reservoirs for amphibians with an average area of ​​approx. 400 m2in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  4. Creation of a water reservoir in the Protected Landscape Area of Great Masurian Lakes and the Northern Wildlife Corridor.
  5. Construction of 3 artificial hibernacula for amphibians in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park and the Protected Landscape Area of the Masurian Lakes and their monitoring.
  6. Improvement of bat hibernation conditions in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park and Kumiecie Forest (Northern Wildlife Corridor) – renovation of 5 anti-aircraft bunkers and 31 cellars.
  7. Improving the living conditions of bats in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park by suspending 85 boxes.
  8. Organization of a study trip to Norway.
  9. Organization of chiropterological workshops for employees of landscape parks.
  10. Organization of chiropterological workshops for foresters.
  11. Organization of herpetology workshops for employees of landscape parks.
  12. Implementation of an educational exhibition devoted to bats at the headquarters of the Romincka Forest Landscape Park.
  13. Recording of an educational film about amphibians.
  14. Issuance of an educational brochure on amphibians.
  15. Issuance of an educational brochure on bats.
  16. Organization of the conference summarizing the project.
  17. Establishment and maintenance of the project website.
  18. Issuance of an information brochure about the project in two language versions – Polish and English.
  19. Preparation of promotional materials.
  20. Purchase of IT and photographic equipment for the project.


Lead beneficiary

Romincka Forest Fund

The co-beneficiary

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Romincka Forest Landscape Park

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków

na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria