Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Blue frogs

Do blue frogs live in Poland? No! – most of you will say. And basically, you’re right. But there are a few days a year when we can see frogs of this color. These are male moor frogs that change their coloration from brown to blue during mating to impress their mate. The warmer it is, the more intense the color.
These amphibians inhabited some of the water bodies reconstructed by the project. Right now, they are mating.
Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków

na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria