Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Færder: a paradise for lovers of water recreation

Færder is another marine national park in Norway, which can be reached from Oslo in just a few hours. It is located at the mouth of the Oslofjord, right next to the Ytre Hvaler National Park – the hero of our previous post. The main principle of protecting the local unique coastal landscape is protection through use, all local beauty and possible water attractions are available to tourists 12 months a year.
Færder is primarily an archipelago, the land is only 4% of the park’s area, and due to the numerous islands and islets, we have to travel by sea to explore the park. How? The choice is huge – regular ferries, kayaks, boats, small yachts. Appropriate infrastructure is available for every transport – from modern, high-standard ports to modest mooring places.
In summer, not only Norwegians, but also curious and tireless foreign tourists come here to swim, sunbathe, fish and catch the wind – literally and figuratively. A characteristic view of Færder are round, glacier-polished rocks sticking out of the water, resembling the backs of whales. There is also the local The World’s End (Verdens Ende) – this is the name of the recreational area with a fantastic view of the fjords at the southern end of Tjøme, whose hallmark is the Vippefyret lighthouse (1932), made of stones from local beaches.
The water here not only connects the islands and provides unforgettable experiences, but there are real treasures hidden under it. The coastal areas of the Oslofjord are considered the richest and most important in terms of biodiversity, with over 300 rare or endangered species of plants and animals, and in 2016, sandtimotei (Phleum arenararium) was found on the Vestre Bustein island – a plant that has not been seen in Norway for over 100 years . And this, according to Norwegian ecologists, is probably not the last species that was considered lost to be found.
Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków

na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria