Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Sjunkhatten: the children’s national park

What conditions must a national park meet to become popular among children and youth? Sjunkhatten has been successful in this area and there is at least 4 proofs of this.
First of all – good location. The park is located in one of Norway’s most densely populated areas, close to the towns of Bodø and Fauske, and half of its young residents can say that a protected area is within their reach.
Secondly – the availability of transport. Not only roads, but also railways lead to Sjunkhatten, there is an airport nearby and even a coastal liner quay.
Thirdly – the national park offers excellent opportunities for recreation in both summer and winter. Many people love it for its excellent ski tracks, which are suitable for children in terms of difficulty. It’s a good place to start skiing and love it with all your heart. Ski races are regularly organized here for lovers of competition.
And finally – nature, which is not only an attractive background for family fun, but value in itself. Extremely beautiful and diverse landscape, stretching from fjords to high mountains, numerous rivers and lakes, create ideal conditions for birds. One of the priorities of the Sjunkhatten National Park is precisely the protection of rare bird species associated with wetland ecosystems. The world of avifauna is very rich here, the park is particularly famous for the black-throated diver, a very rare species in Norway, which nests here.
📷 Photos: Marte Turtum, @travelianne (Elianne G.Einarsen), @username_mk88 (M●rten Krokstrand©️), @johnnyraa (Johnny Raanes), @handerrevegard (Vegard Kaasen Engen), @svein.b.hansen (Svein Bjarne Hansen), @hegehusmor (Hege Johanne Hafstad Mjånes), @kristijak (Kristīne Mackare), @rune.d (R u n e D a l h e i m), Mika Nygård.
Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków

na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria