Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Workshops about amphibians and bats

During the implementation of the project, savings were achieved, which, with the consent of the Project Operator, we decided to use appropriately. To enhance the educational effect of the project, we allocated the saved amount to equipping a nature laboratory at the Primary School in Żytkiejmy. This activity was a great opportunity to conduct a series of interesting workshops about amphibians and bats for students of the school.

During workshops on amphibians, students learned about species found in our area and heard many interesting facts about them. The frog and toad models were great material for discussing the basic differences between them. The workshops were also enriched with games and activities, thanks to which students learned about the development cycle of amphibians and the threats they face. “Amphibian bingo” turned out to be great fun for learning how to recognize species.

“Silence and darkness” – this is the title of the next series of workshops, this time about bats. Their participants had the opportunity to learn about these fascinating mammals, their extraordinary skills and senses, their importance and methods of protection. Through experience and fun, they discovered, among others: the world of sounds to understand the phenomenon of echolocation. The workshops were conducted in a demonstration bat cellar using an exhibition that was also created as part of this project. The classes were a lot of fun because they were conducted with a minimum amount of light.

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Czynna ochrona zagrożonych siedlisk i gatunków

na cennych przyrodniczo obszarach Mazur wschodnich

Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria